The BPAT team recently hosted a contingent of ICAR scientists to discuss modernising crop breeding programs in India. The visiting delegation attended the TropAg conference, where we held important side meetings, a field trip to the Hermitage research facility in
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Update of BPAT Breeding Program Pre-visit Survey
The BPAT Breeding Program Pre-Visit Survey has been restructured and updated. You can access the latest version of this survey from: BPAT Project > Download Tools section. Registered Users need to login before downloading the tools. First time users need
Virtual BPAT meetings with ICRISAT
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the BPAT team of assessors have been unable to travel to conduct their work. In June 2020, the first virtual BPAT meeting was held between the BPAT team and the International Crops Research Institute
In February 2020, the BPAT team of assessors, travelled to India to visit the ICAR– IARI (Indian Council of Agricultural Research – Indian Agricultural Research Institute). During this visit, the BPAT assessors looked into the Institute’s wheat, chickpea and rice
BPAT Phase 2
In January 2020, the BPAT team travelled to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Headquarters in Seattle, to discuss and plan the second phase of the BPAT project. Here are some photos from our trip [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”BPAT meeting Seattle
Updated versions of the BPAT tools
The BPAT suite of tools have been updated. Check out the latest versions with added features, in the BPAT Project > Download Tools section. Registered Users need to login before downloading the tools. First time users need to register on
BPAT visits TARI in Tanzania
BPAT visits ICRISAT in Ethiopia and Senegal